Works and projects of the Scientific Committee

Topic Current projects Reference Status
Protected Area and Ecosystem Identification and trends in Deepwater Sharks DWS-2023-02 Ongoing
Protected Area and Ecosystem Protocols to designate and evaluate MPAs in the SIOFA Area PAE2022-MPA1 Ongoing
Protected Area and Ecosystem Development of protocols and guidelines for fishing gear to mitigate the ongoing impact of SIOFA fisheries on vulnerable deepwater sharks DWS-2024-02 Ongoing
Stock and Ecosystem Risk Assessment Age and growth of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus) ORY-2023-01 Ongoing
Stock and Ecosystem Risk Assessment Stock structure of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) SER2022-TOP2 Ongoing
Stock and Ecosystem Risk Assessment Alfonsino age protocol development ALF-2024-01 Planned
Stock and Ecosystem Risk Assessment Development of Harvest Strategies for key SIOFA fish stocks PAM-2024-03 Planned
Stock and Ecosystem Risk Assessment Evaluation of the toothfish monitoring program based on tagging TOT-2024-02 Planned
Stock and Ecosystem Risk Assessment Development of the SIOFA Precautionary Approach Framework (PAF) PAM-2024-01 Planned
Stock and Ecosystem Risk Assessment Development of a formal quantitative assessment of Portuguese dogfish catch and determination of the level of sustainable catch (a continuation of DWS-2023-01) DWS-2024-01 Planned
Stock and Ecosystem Risk Assessment Orange roughy stock assessment ORY-2024-01 Planned
Stock and Ecosystem Risk Assessment Determination of Biological Reference Points (BRPs) for key SIOFA fish stocks PAM-2024-02 Planned