European Union Grants

This section displays the past and current EU grants that have been awarded to SIOFA to conduct several projects
Title Implementation period Grant agreement ID Total Budget
SIOFA Precautionary Approach and Management (SIOFA-PAM) - 101182531 199,308.90 EUR
SIOFA-2020-2022 Support to SIOFA Scientific Work on key stocks, ecosystems, and data - SI2.837681 250,000 EUR
SIOFA Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Mapping - SI2.815850 78,380 EUR
SIOFA Agreement performance review (SIOFA-REV) - 101102943 149,800 EUR
Support for the 8th meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries agreement Scientific Committee in Canary Islands (SIOFA-SC8) - 101086714 147,900.75 EUR
Support for Ecosystem Approaches to fisheries conservation and management in SIOFA (SIOFA-SEAs) - 101078892 124,976 EUR