Support for the 8th meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries agreement Scientific Committee in Canary Islands (SIOFA-SC8)

Submitted by mmilardi on Mon, 2022-12-19 07:08


Grant agreement ID
Funding program
EMFAF Project Grants
Total Budget
147,900.75 EUR
EU Contribution
118,320.60 EUR
Coordinated by
Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA)

The objective of this project is to support science-based decision-making in SIOFA, notably by supporting the
organisation of meetings of the Scientific Committee and ad-hoc workshops on dedicated topics.
The main objectives and priorities of this action are:
1. The organisation of a 2-day joint Meeting of the Parties-Scientific Committee (MoP-SC) Workshop with a strong
preference for a virtual format to accommodate logistical constraints, with the aim to enhance cooperation between
scientists and managers once the Harvest Strategies are developed in 2022 for the three key SIOFA stocks (orange
roughy, splendid alfonsino, and Patagonian toothfish).
2. The organisation of a 2-day workshop on deepwater sharks, to be organized in a hybrid format (in-person/virtual), in
view of the shark catches by the Spanish fleet fishing for toothfish in the SIOFA area; and
3. The organisation of the 8th SC meeting (including its subsidiary WG meetings), to be organized in a hybrid format
This project will be led by the SIOFA Secretariat, with the help of the Scientific Committee and Workgroup Chairs and
Vice-Chairs. The meetings will be held at the premises of the Headquarters of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography
(IEO) in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.


SIOFA Executive Secretary (Mr Thierry Clot,
SIOFA Science Officer (Dr Marco Milardi, - Project Coordinator