Jobs and consultancies

Sciences related works and consultancies
Project title: Expert Review Panel for the Development of the SIOFA Precautionary Approach and Management Projects
This project (PAM‐2024‐04) is for an Expert Panel who will provide external expert review and advice on the work and outcomes of the three main projects: PAM‐2024‐01, PAM‐2024‐02 and PAM-2024-03
Terms of Reference:
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Project title: Development of Harvest Strategies for key SIOFA fish stocks
Building upon previous workshops and ongoing efforts by the SC and MoP, this project aims to develop formal harvest strategies for key SIOFA fish stocks.
Terms of Reference:
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Project title: Determination of Biological Reference Points (BRPs) for key SIOFA fish stocks
This project focuses on developing and scientifically evaluating BRPs for the key fish stocks within the SIOFA Area, based on the best available scientific data and methods.
Terms of Reference:
Deadline for application:
Project title: Development of the SIOFA Precautionary Approach Framework (PAF)
This project involves establishing a framework for high, medium, and lower information stocks to apply the precautionary approach within the SIOFA Area
Terms of Reference:
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