Files repository

This page provides with several downloadable files.

The files below are spatial layers that can be used for the various requirement of the CCP to operate in SIOFA. Each spatial layer is provided as a ZIP file that contain a shapefile (.shp) and associated files.

GIS Layer Type File link
The SIOFA Area Polygon
SIOFA Sub-Areas Polygon
Interim Patagonian Toothfish Management Areas (ref. CMM 15) Polygon
Interim Protected Areas (ref. CMM 01) Polygon
SIOFA Bottom Fishing Footprint (2023) Polygon SIOFA_bottom

Other downloadable files:

Title Type File link
Excel templates for annual data submission- ref CMM 02(2023) XLSX (zipped) cmm02(2023)
Excel trial logbooks for observers' data (project SEC2022-OBS1) XLSX (zipped)
International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishing Gear PDF ISSCFG codes
Standard procedure for data use and request PDF SIOFA-standard-operating-procedure-for-data-use-and-data-requests.pdf