SIOFA Precautionary Approach and Management (SIOFA-PAM)

Submitted by mmilardi on Fri, 2024-05-31 06:29


Grant agreement ID
Funding program
EMFAF Project Grants
Total Budget
199,308.90 EUR
EU Contribution
159,447 EUR
Coordinated by
Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA)

The SIOFA Precautionary Approach and Management (SIOFA-PAM) project will further enhance the scientific advice
of the SIOFA Scientific Committee to the SIOFA Meeting of the parties and its member CCPs, in particular towards
ensuring the sustainable management of fish stocks and the environmental impacts associated with fishing.
SIOFA-PAM focuses on development of a framework to ensure the sustainable management of fish stocks, and managing
the environmental impacts associated with fishing activities within the SIOFA region, with the aim to guide, inform, and
enhance resource protection and to improve sustainable resource management measures, especially in the context of the
information-limited fisheries in the SIOFA Area.
The Specific Objectives of SIOFA-PAM will be to:

  1.  Develop the SIOFA Precautionary Approach Framework
    This objective involves establishing a framework for high, medium, and lower information stocks to apply the precautionary approach within the SIOFA region. This framework will provide guidelines and principles to ensure that fisheries management decisions are made in a precautionary and science-based manner.
  2. Determine Biological Reference Points (BRPs) for key SIOFA fish stocks
    This objective focuses on developing and scientifically evaluate BRPs for the key fish stocks within the SIOFA region, based on the best available scientific data and methods.
  3. Develop harvest strategies for key SIOFA fish stocks

Building upon previous workshops and ongoing efforts by the SIOFA Scientific Committee and Meeting of the Parties,
this objective aims to develop formal harvest strategies for key fish stocks.

These strategies will outline management
measures and actions to achieve sustainable exploitation rates while considering socio-economic factors and ecosystem
impacts and should be consistent with the Precautionary Approach Framework for key SIOFA fish stocks.


SIOFA Executive Secretary (Mr Thierry Clot,
SIOFA Science Officer (Dr Marco Milardi, - Project Coordinator