Improving the scientific advice for data-limited deep-water sharks caught in longline fisheries in the SIOFA Area


To collect and analyse data for data-limited deep-water sharks caught using longline fisheries in the SIOFA Area.

Project objectives:

1. Design and implement a deepwater shark tagging project for sharks caught in longline fisheries in the SIOFA Area

2. Determine the post-release survival of these deep-water sharks

3. Collect biological data from deepwater shark species, including vertebrae and fin spines to assist in determining age composition, growth rates, and maximum age for each species, if possible within the project resources. MoP-10-13 - Draft SIOFA SC medium-term workplan 2023-2026

4. Identify and categorise shark biological stocks

5. Identify any other knowledge and data gaps

6. Conduct a conservation status assessment, if possible within the project resources.

7. Undertake an assessment of potential move-on rules for the CYO stock in SIOFA Subarea 2, with particular attention to catch rates in consecutive sets, spatial and depth distribution of fishing operations, and the distribution of the CYO population, if possible within the project resources.

EU internal funding
Call for applicants
EU (Roberto Sarralde)
Start Date
End Date
Work status