SIOFA Vulnerable marine ecosystems mapping


SIOFA Conservation and Management Measures (CMM) 2019/01 directs the Scientific Committee (SC) to provide maps of where vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) are known to occur, or likely to occur, in the Agreement Area. The Meeting of the Parties shall act on the advice of the SC in regards with the VME habitat mapping and update its interim bottom fisheries measures.
The work is desktop based and will involve the collection of all relevant data and using modelling methods to provide maps of VME occurrence, or predicted occurrence. The consultants shall have regular contact with the Scientific Committee, including the PAEWG, to providing ongoing results, review of approaches and guidance.
The SIOFA VME indicator taxa (Annex 1 of CMM 2019/01) will be used as the definition of VMEs.

SIOFA VME Mapping 2020-2022 (EU Grant Agreement n. SI2.81585)
Terms of Reference
ToR date
Call for applicants
Boris LEROY UMR Biologie des Organismes et des Ecosystèmes Aquatiques Département Adaptations du Vivant, MNHN
Start Date
End Date
Work status
Protected Area and Ecosystem