Stock structure of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus)


SIOFA CMM2020/01 (paragraph 6a) requires the SIOFA Scientific Committee to provide advice to the Meeting of the Parties on the status of stocks of deep-sea fishery resources, including orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus). In 2018, the SIOFA Scientific Committee (SC3) conducted the first orange roughy stock assessments in the SIOFA region and provided to the Meeting of Parties on the stock status and sustainable yields. In 2022, the assessment for orange roughy was updated and the management units revised.

This project has two main objectives:

Objective 1: Provide advice to the SIOFA Scientific Committee on the stock structure of orange roughy in the SIOFA Area, including consideration of hypotheses on the orange roughy life cycle in the SIOFA Area.
Objective 2: Provide advice on appropriate management units for SIOFA to use in future monitoring and stock assessments of orange roughy.


SIOFA-2020-2022 Support to SIOFA Scientific Work on key stocks, ecosystems, and data (EU grant n. SI2.837681)
Advisory Panel Members
Stephen Brouwer, Takehiro Okuda, Sebastian Rodriguez Alfaro, Alistair Dunn, Pavarot Noranarttragoon, Marco Milardi
Call for applicants
Pisces Research Limited
Start Date
End Date
Work status