Evaluation of Three Provisional Harvest Strategies and Development of Roadmap for Formal Harvest Strategy


ToR1: Evaluation of three Provisional Harvest Strategies 

  • Review three provisional Harvest Strategies developed by the Consultant for orange roughy, splendid alfonsino and Patagonian toothfish. 
  • Review background information used when the provisional harvest strategies were developed, i.e.,
    (a) Relevant data available in the SIOFA Secretariat (the Consultant can obtain the data from the Secretariat),
    (b) Scoping studies for three species, and
    (c) Results of stock assessments for three species (for details, see references).  
  • Evaluate advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) of three different provisional harvest strategy approaches when applied for orange roughy, splendid alfonsino and Patagonian toothfish. Using available catch, CPUE, results of stock assessments and other relevant information, evaluate trade-offs of three methods for each species, for example, by simulations changing catch levels and trends CPUE and/or other effective evaluation methods. 
  • Evaluate how three types of provisional Harvest Strategies produce the stable TAC and fishing efforts, which is important for industries.


  • In this regard, the Consultant should address the basic concepts of a new formal Harvest Strategies (such as Harvest Control Rule, Management Evaluation Strategy, etc). by considering following points by timeline in the roadmap.   
    (1) Species  Priority species in the roadmap should be three most important fisheries (orange roughy, splendid alfonsino, and Patagonian toothfish). Timeline needs to be specified by species according to available information in the roadmap.
    (2) Information  The roadmap should be developed according to available information toward the completion of the new formal Harvest Strategies. Such information is catch, abundance indices, results of stock assessments, scoping studies and other relevant information. The roadmap should specify necessary information by species and by timeline to complete the new formal Harvest Strategies (such as Harvest Control Rule, Management Evaluation Strategy, etc).
    (3) Target and limit reference points SIOFA has not yet adopted formal target and limit reference points, which will be the key information to establish the new formal Harvest Strategies (such as Harvest Control Rule, Management Evaluation Strategy, etc). In the roadmap, the timeline to develop the formal reference points should be specified, so that the roadmap will become more concrete.
    (4) New formal Harvest strategies The roadmap should indicate the basic concept and elements on the new formal harvest strategies (for example, Harvest Control Rule, Management Evaluation Strategy, etc) incorporating following points and include in the timeline.  
  • Consider the current provisional Harvest Strategies and develop its broader scheme to suit available information by timeline. The new formal Harvest Strategies (for such as Harvest Control Rule, Management Evaluation Strategy, etc) should be the best practice in fisheries management in order to achieve SIOFA’s objectives. 
  • Consider sustainability of harvest and effort levels (number of active vessels etc).
  • Consider effectiveness, risks and precautionary principle.   
  • The new formal Harvest strategies (such as Harvest Control Rule, Management Evaluation Strategy, etc) should be efficient, well-balanced, and carefully thoughtout and may be necessary to consider simpler approaches.  
  • Refer to Harvest Strategies (such as Harvest Control Rule, Management Evaluation Strategy, etc) developed and applied by other demersal international organizations (such as CCAMLR NAFO, NEAFC, SPRFMO, NPFC and SEAFO) and/or demersal fishing nations.  
  • Consider the enhanced cooperation between scientists and managers when the new formal Harvest Strategies (such as Harvest Control Rule, Management Evaluation Strategy, etc.) are developed.  


SIOFA-2020-2022 Support to SIOFA Scientific Work on key stocks, ecosystems, and data (EU grant n. SI2.837681)
ToR date
Call for applicants
Doug Butterworth (UCT)
Start Date
End Date
Work status
Stock and Ecological Risk Assessment