Joint MoP-SC Workshop on the Development of Harvest Strategies (WS2024-HSS)

The primary aim of the Workshop is for the MoP to review progress on the development of harvest strategies and to finalise Management Objectives for selected SIOFA stocks (MoP10 report, paragraph 91). The Workshop will focus on management objectives for orange roughy and toothfish (MoP10 report, paragraph 76) and develop a future work plan, including the development of operating models and management strategy evaluation, the draft workplan and an indicative budget.

3rd Meeting of the Working Group to Support the Establishment of the SIOFA VMS (VMSWG03)

The 10th Meeting of the Parties to the SIOFA (MoP10) adopted a CMM setting out the framework of a SIOFA VMS covering all key aspects, including the scope of application, definitions, nature and specifications of the VMS, prevention of tampering and actions in case of suspected breach, use and release of VMS data requiring / not requiring the consent CCPs, closed and interim protected areas, as well as data security and confidentiality Following the adoption of Conservation and Management Measure for the establishment of a SIOFA Vessel Monitoring System

11th Meeting of the Parties (MoP11)

The 11th Meeting of the Parties will take place in Seoul, Republic of Korea, from July 1st to July 5th. Note that the meeting of the 8th Compliance Committee will take place, as usual the week before. Please register at your earliest convenience using the registration form attached (MoP-11-ADM-01). Document MoP-11-ADM-05 provides practical information to participants.

4 documents have been provided late: MoP-11-28, MoP-11-29, MoP-11-30 and MoP-11-31.