Improving the scientific advice for data-limited deep-water sharks caught in longline fisheries in the SIOFA Area

To collect and analyse data for data-limited deep-water sharks caught using longline fisheries in the SIOFA Area.

Project objectives:

1. Design and implement a deepwater shark tagging project for sharks caught in longline fisheries in the SIOFA Area

2. Determine the post-release survival of these deep-water sharks

Toothfish catch limits

This project aims to develop low information approaches to determining catch limit advice for Del Cano toothfish stocks.

Develop, using the CCAMLR trend analysis rules, a low information approach to proposing catch limit advice for Del Cano toothfish stocks.


Identification and trends in Deepwater Sharks

This project aims to undertake a census of deep-sea sharks caught during one trip of a bentho-pelagic factory trawler to Walters Shoal and the SWIO Ridge in early 2024.

The main objectives are:

1. Compare to shark species and capture rates to the 2012 and 2014 survey to assess changes in shark abundance and biodiversity over the last ten years.

2. Collect spine and vertebrae samples of Portuguese dogfish to support the work under DWS-2023-01.

3. Develop, test and optimise identification guides being developed with SIOFA and FAO’s DSF Project.