SIOFA Data Report and Data Assets Visibility

This project (SEC2022-01) focuses on “Reinforcing the data collection, SIOFA data/base systems, and coding and data processes” as per General Objective 4 of the funding arrangement.
Time series of fishing effort, catch, biological samplings are already part of the SIOFA databases. However, the adequacy of these data can be evaluated only in the context of the purposes for which they are used and currently there are strong limitations both for the Secretariat and the final users.

Stock structure of alfonsino (Beryx splendens)

SIOFA CMM2020/01 (paragraph 6a) requires the SIOFA Scientific Committee to provide advice to the Meeting of the Parties on the status of stocks of deep-sea fishery resources, including alfonsino (Beryx splendens). In 2020, the SIOFA Scientific Committee (SC3) conducted the first alfonsino stock assessments in the SIOFA region and provided to the Meeting of Parties on the stock status and sustainable yields. In 2023, the assessment for alfonsino will be updated.

This project has three main objectives:

Stock structure of orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus)

SIOFA CMM2020/01 (paragraph 6a) requires the SIOFA Scientific Committee to provide advice to the Meeting of the Parties on the status of stocks of deep-sea fishery resources, including orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus). In 2018, the SIOFA Scientific Committee (SC3) conducted the first orange roughy stock assessments in the SIOFA region and provided to the Meeting of Parties on the stock status and sustainable yields. In 2022, the assessment for orange roughy was updated and the management units revised.

This project has two main objectives:

Genetic analysis to inform the stock structure of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides)

The main objective of this project is to provide advice to the SIOFA Scientific Committee on the design of a genetic stock discrimination project to understand the stock structure of Patagonian toothfish in the SIOFA Area, including linkages to Patagonian toothfish in the CCAMLR Convention Area.


Stock structure of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides)

SIOFA CMM2018/01 (paragraph 6a) requires the SIOFA Scientific Committee to provide advice to the Meeting of Parties on the status of stocks of deep-sea fishery resources, including Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides). In 2020, the SIOFA Scientific Committee (SC3) conducted the first Patagonian toothfish stock assessments in the SIOFA region and provided to the Meeting of Parties on the stock status and sustainable yields.

Establish a framework for scientific observation of SIOFA fisheries

The project “Establish a framework for scientific observation of SIOFA fisheries” aims to ensure that the scientific observers working in SIOFA fisheries operate using a consistent set of standards for observation and measurement, resulting in high-quality data that will inform scientific advice for conservation and sustainable management of SIOFA fisheries addressing the following five main objectives:
1. Analysis of CCPs observers’ programmes.