Scientific Committee Workshop on Scientific Observer Forms (WS2024-OBS2)

At SC9, the Scientific Committee proposed to hold a workshop to consider any issues identified by the Secretariat and participating CCPs in the trial of the new observer logbook forms (SC9 report, paragraph 347).

This workshop will aim to consider any issues arising from CCPs trials of the new observer logbook forms and summarise any potential changes for consideration at SC10.

Scientific Committee Workshop to progress future protected area designation (WS2024-PAD)

At SC9, the Scientific Committee proposed a workshop to progress future protected area designation (WS-2024-PAD) (SC9 Report, paragraph 312 & 319).
This workshop will be to review the protocol for future marine protected areas designation, and the development of a workplan, building on substantive work undertaken by SIOFA (SC9 report, paragraph 312). In addition, the workshop will evaluate the SIOFA interim protocol for the designation of protected areas (SC9 report, paragraph 319).