Second Meeting of the Compliance Committee

Meeting Date
Thursday, June 21, 2018 to Saturday, June 23, 2018
Meeting Type
Compliance Committee Meeting
Attachment Size
CC2 Meeting Report.pdf 2.82 MB
Meeting documents
Attachment Size
SIOFA CC2 and MoP5 Meeting Notice.pdf 1.52 MB
CC2 Participants Registration Form.xlsx 17.22 KB
Template for CC Meeting Papers.docx 24.24 KB
CC2-Doc01 Rev2 Provisional Agenda.pdf 143.56 KB
CC2-Doc01 Rev3 Agenda.pdf 173.31 KB
CC2-Doc02 Provisional HoD Agenda .pdf 106.55 KB
CC2-Doc03 List of Documents.pdf 97.29 KB
CC2-Doc04 Table of agenda items and related papers.pdf 122.99 KB
CC2-Doc05 Compliance Committee ToR.pdf 1.3 MB
CC2-Doc06 Participants List.pdf 40.06 KB
CC2-Doc07 Cooks Islands Report on Implementation of SIOFA CMMs (Submitted 21-05-2018) 336.05 KB
CC2-Doc8 Japan Report on Implementation of SIOFA CMM 2017_01 (Submitted 31-05-2018) 698.81 KB
CC2-Doc11 France (OT) Report on Implementation of SIOFA CMMs (Submitted 07-06-2018) 175.69 KB
CC2-Doc12 Australia Report on Implementation of SIOFA CMMs (Submitted 07-06-2018) 844.53 KB
CC2-Doc13 EU Report on Implementation of SIOFA CMMs (Submitted 07-06-2018) 775.83 KB
CC2-Doc14 Thailand Implementaion Report on CMM 2016_05 and IBFM (Submitted 08-06-2018) 1.96 MB
CC2-Doc15 Korean Report of Implementation of SIOFA CMMs (Submitted 15-06-2018) 286.08 KB
MoP5-Prop2 Cook Islands Stratgey on Persons of Interest (POI) (Submitted 21-05-2018) 207.7 KB
MoP5-Prop03 Thailands Proposal for Amendment of CMM 2017_09 (Submitted 21-05-2018) 2.38 MB
MoP5-Prop04 Australian & EU Proposal to establish a SIOFA CMS (Submitted 21-05-2018) 395.78 KB
MoP5--Prop05 Australian Proposal to establsih a SIOFA HSBI regime (Submitted 21-05-2018) 410.71 KB
MoP5-Prop06 Australian Proposal to modify CMM 2017_01 (Submitted 21-05-2018) 542.95 KB
MoP5-Prop06 Australian Proposal to modify CMM 2017_01 (clean) (Submitted 21-05-2018) 416.5 KB
MoP5-Prop07 Australian Proposal to modify CMM 2017_10 (Submitted 21-05-2018) 411.42 KB
MoP5-Prop07 Australian Proposal to modify CMM 2017_10 (clean) (Submitted 21-05-2018) 487.07 KB
MoP5-Prop08 EU Proposal to amend CMM 2017_02 (Submitted 21-05-2018) 296.93 KB
MoP5-Prop09 EU Proposal to amend CMM2017_09 (Submitted 21-05-2018) 211.26 KB
MoP5-Prop10 EU Proposal to amend CMM 2017_10 Monitoring (Submitted 21-05-2018) 437.63 KB
Mop5-Prop11 EU Proposal to amend CMM 2016_06 (Submitted 21-05-2018) 370.74 KB
CC2-INFO-01 Cook Islands HS infringement allegations press release.pdf 799.08 KB
MoP5-INFO-02 Information paper related to CMS Proposal (MoP5-Prop04).pdf 227.19 KB
CC2-INFO-04 FAO Draft Catch Doc. Scheme for the ABNJ.pdf 1.11 MB
Meeting Photo