10th Meeting of the Parties (MoP10)
The 10th Meeting of the Parties will take place in Mauritius, Balaclava, at the Ravenala Attitude Hotel. Please see documents MoP-10-ADM-04 for practicalities and MoP-10-ADM-05 for the Provisional Agenda.
Agenda items will be discussed during the meeting. Proposals, working papers and information papers are available for prior consultation. Access to several documents is restricted to SIOFA official contacts and delegations, login is required to see those documents. If you have issues with your login, please contact the Secretariat.
7th Meeting of the Compliance Committee (CC7)
The 7th Meeting of the SIOFA Compliance Committee is scheduled to take in Mauritius, Balaclava, at the Ravenala Attitude Hotel from Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th June 2023. It will be followed the next week by the 10th Meeting of the Parties. Please see documents CC-07-ADM-04 for practicalities and CC-07-ADM-05 for the Provisional Agenda.
SIOFA SC-CIRCULAR 2023/01 - 8th Meeting of the Scientific Committee, MoP-SC Workshop on Harvest Strategy Pre-assessment, and the SC Workshop on Deepwater Sharks in SIOFA Area
This circular contains an invitation to the following SIOFA SC and joint MoP-SC meetings: