2nd Meeting on the SIOFA CCR Template (CCRT02)

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Following discussions at the Seventh Meeting of the Compliance Committee of the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (CC07), the CC and the MoP agreed to continue discussions intersessionally regarding a new CCP Compliance Report (CCR) Template based on the two templates presented to the committee. CCPs convened on December 14, 2023, to discuss the new proposed template in detail.

At the conclusion of the meeting, CCPs noted that they would need more time to work on the template and, therefore, agreed to provide comments on the proposed template, which would serve as the basis for a revision thereof. The CCPs also agreed to convene for a second meeting once the Secretariat produced a revised template based on comments received during and after the first meeting. 

Meeting Report
Attachment Size
SIOFA CCRT02 Meeting Report_FINAL.pdf 2.83 MB