First Meeting of the Scientific Committee

Meeting Date
Monday, March 21, 2016 to Thursday, March 24, 2016
Meeting Type
Scientific Committee Meeting
Fremantle, Australia

First Meeting of the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA) Scientific Committee, Fremantle, Australia

Meeting documents
Attachment Size
SC-01- 01 - Notice of Meeting.pdf 436.65 KB
SC-01 -02 (01) - SC Terms of Reference.pdf 212.75 KB
SC-01 -03 - Provisional Agenda for the Heads of Delegation meeting_Rev 1.pdf 404.27 KB
SC-01 -03 (01) - SC work plan.pdf 693.05 KB
SC-01 -04 (01) -SIOFA SC long term research plan.pdf 660.4 KB
SC-01 -05 (09) _rev 1- revised guidelines for the submission of national reports (2).pdf 912.5 KB
SC-01- 06 (01) -Data Standards (AU).pdf 1.31 MB
SC-01- 07 - Table of agenda items and related papers(1).pdf 285.1 KB
SC-01- 07 (01) - Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the SIOFA ....pdf 1.3 MB
SC-01- 07 (02) -Draft CMM for the management of bottom fishing in the SIOFA Area.pdf 1.04 MB
SC-01 -10 (01) - Review of recommendation 15-01.pdf 683.53 KB
SC-01 -10 (02) - Large scale pelagic drift nets and deep water nets in the siofa area (AU).pdf 1.15 MB
SC-01 -10 (03) - Draft CMM for the prohibition of DW and LSP drift nets (AU).pdf 811.23 KB
SC-01 -12 (01) - 2016-2018 Work Plan and Budget.pdf 694.16 KB
SC-01 -13 (01) - Election of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.pdf 746.43 KB
SC-01 -14 (01) - Future meeting arrangements.pdf 722.37 KB
SC-01-INFO-01 - Experimental toothfish fishing in the SW indian ocean (EU) (cover).pdf 604.56 KB
SC-01-INFO-01 - Experimental toothfish fishing in the SW indian ocean (EU).pdf 195.41 KB
SC-01-INFO-02 - Growth of alfonsino in the SW Indian Ocean (EU) (cover).pdf 685.69 KB
SC-01-INFO-02 - Growth of alfonsino in the SW Indian Ocean (EU).pdf 631.72 KB
SC-01-INFO-03 - Deepwater sharks distribution (EU) (cover).pdf 540.84 KB
SC-01-INFO-03 - Deepwater sharks distribution (EU).pdf 2.49 MB
SC-01-INFO-04 - Age and growth of southern boarfish (EU) (cover).pdf 665.24 KB
SC-01-INFO-04 - Age and growth of southern boarfish (EU).pdf 466.45 KB
SC-01-INFO-05 - Att A - Australia's electronic monitoring program.pdf 375.23 KB
SC-01-INFO-05 - Australia's electronic monitoring program.pdf 597.49 KB
SC-01-INFO-06 - SPRFMO BFIAS (cover).pdf 563.93 KB
SC-01-INFO-06 - SPRFMO BFIAS.pdf 634.3 KB
SC-01-INFO-07 - ABNJ Deep Seas project update (FAO).pdf 960.41 KB
SC-01-INFO-08 - Characteristics of SIODFA vessels operating in SIOFA fisheries (cover) (SIODFA).pdf 563.03 KB
SC-01-INFO-08 - Characteristics of SIODFA vessels operating in SIOFA fisheries (SIODFA).pdf 694.71 KB
SC-01-INFO-09 - Procedure for HIMI Research funding (cover) (SIODFA).pdf 502.92 KB
SC-01-INFO-09 - Procedure for HIMI Research funding (cover) (SIODFA).pdf 502.92 KB
SC-01-INFO-10 - Yield per Recruit Analysis of Alfonsino (cover) (SIODFA).pdf 500.93 KB
SC-01-INFO-10 - Yield per Recruit Analysis of Alfonsino (SIODFA).pdf 668.81 KB
SC-01-INFO-11_Rev 1 Bycatch of Corals, Sponges and Related Benthos (SIODFA).pdf 488.11 KB
SC-01-INFO-12 -Conversion Age and size at maturity of alfonsino and implications for their management in the southern Indian ocean.pdf 734.93 KB
SC-01-INFO-13 -Frequency Composition of Orange Roughy Sampled on Board FV Ocean Explorer (Cover) (SIODFA).pdf 503.13 KB
SC-01-INFO-13 -Frequency Composition of Orange Roughy Sampled on Board FV Ocean Explorer (SIODFA).pdf 834.93 KB
SC-01-INFO-14 -Conversion Factors for Determining Whole Weights from Processed Weights for some DW species in the SIO (cover).pdf 500.92 KB
SC-01-INFO-14 -Conversion Factors for Determining Whole Weights from Processed Weights for some DW species in the SIO.pdf 740.42 KB
SC-01-INFO-15 - SIODFA Benthic Protected Areas.pdf 6.94 MB
SC-01-INFO-15-[ABSTRACT]-Indian Ocean Orange Roughy and Alfonsino Acoustic Surveys 2004-2008 (cook islands).pdf 328.02 KB
SC-01-INFO-16 Biological data from Orange Roughy spawning stocks in the Southwest Indian Ocean (cook islands).pdf 3.89 MB
SC-01-INFO-17 Seabed mapping in the SIOFA Area (cook islands)_reduced version.pdf 2.5 MB
SC-01-INFO-18 Management of Demersal Fisheries Resources of the Southern Indian Ocean (FAO 1020)(Cook Islands).pdf 2.94 MB
SC-01-INFO-19 FAO Tech Rep 1020 Data Collection Protocols 2012 (cook islands).pdf 1.34 MB
SC-01-INFO-21 Proposed sub areas for reporting catch and effort data in the SIO (SIODFA).pdf 12.26 KB
SC-01-INFO-21 The 2014 Orange Roughy Stock Assessments (cover) (cook islands) .pdf 567.76 KB
SC-01-INFO-21 The 2014 Orange Roughy Stock Assessments.pdf 992.95 KB
SC-01-INFO-22 coordinates of areas in Resolution on data collection annex (SIODFA).pdf 82.38 KB
SC-01-INFO-23 Indian Ocean Fishery Catch and Vessel Effort 1997-2014 (Cook Islands).pdf 128.25 KB
SC-01-INFO-24 2nd ad hoc meeting on management of deepwater fisheries in the SIO May 2002 (Cook Islands).pdf 255.56 KB
SC-01-INFO-25 Australian bottom fishing impact assessment of SIOFA fisheries.pdf 1.66 MB
SC-01-INFO-26 Coral Analysis 2007 (SIODFA).pdf 906.5 KB
SC-01-INFO-27 Draft CMM to limit deep sea trawl effort (Cook Islands).pdf 177.78 KB