Conservation and Management Measure for the Monitoring of Fisheries in the Agreement Area (Monitoring)
Conservation and Management Measure for the Monitoring of Fisheries in the Agreement Area (Monitoring) - Binding 09/10/2017
Conservation and Management Measure for the Monitoring of Fisheries in the Agreement Area (Monitoring) - Binding 09/10/2017
In accordance with CMM 07(2022), SIOFA has established a Record of Authorised Vessels for fishing vessels authorised to fish in the Agreement Area. For the purpose of this CMM, fishing vessels that are not entered onto the SIOFA Record of Authorised Vessels are deemed not to be authorised to fish, retain on board, tranship or land fishery resources in the Agreement Area.
SIOFA Conservation and Management Measure on Authorisation and Notification to Fish
SIOFA Conservation and Management Measure on the Listing of IUU Vessels
Conservation and Management Measure regarding the use of large‐scale pelagic driftnets and deepwater gillnets in the Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement Area
Conservation and Management Measure on Vessels without Nationality
Conservation and Management Measure for Data Confidentiality and Procedures for access and use of data
Conservation and Management Measure for the Collection, Reporting, Verification and Exchange of Data relating to fishing activities in the Agreement Area
Conservation and Management Measure for the Interim Management of Bottom Fishing in the SIOFA Agreement Area