Development of Harvest Strategies for key SIOFA fish stocks


Building upon previous workshops and ongoing efforts by the SC and MoP, this project aims to develop formal harvest strategies for key SIOFA fish stocks.

Project Objectives

  1. To consider monitoring strategies and develop harvest control rules and undertake management strategy evaluations designed to help ensure sustainable fisheries within the SIOFA Area, including:
    • Harvest control rules that are suitable for a range of different levels of available data.  
    • Management strategies that consider the trade-offs between different harvest control rules, levels of risk, and achievement of management objectives.
    • Breakout rules and default breakout actions.
  2. Evaluation of different stock assessment options, based on the level of data available, for key SIOFA fish stocks, and specifically including orange roughy and toothfish.
  3. Evaluate how additional objectives such as bycatch, fisheries impacts, benthic impacts, etc., could be included as part of harvest strategies.
EU Grant 101182531 (SIOFA-PAM)
Advisory Panel Members
(Lead TBD), Stephen Brouwer, Rodney Govinden, Alistair Dunn, Pavarot Noranarttragoon, Zhou Fang, Marco Milardi
Terms of Reference
ToR date
Call for applicants
Short text for call for consultant
Building upon previous workshops and ongoing efforts by the SC and MoP, this project aims to develop formal harvest strategies for key SIOFA fish stocks.
Deadline for application
Work status
Stock and Ecological Risk Assessment